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7 Expert Tips to Improve Your Business with Email Campaigns

Emails are a vital component of any business. This blog reveals how you can use email campaigns to build trust and grow your income as a business owner.


Email marketing is one of the oldest and still one of the most effective form of marketing. Now more than ever, email campaigns have become an integral part of any organizations marketing strategies.

With the emergence of alternative marketing techniques such as the use of social media and engaging influencers, the effectiveness of email marketing could seem doubtful. But in fact, marketers are using email marketing now more than ever. According to Hubspot, 'marketers who use segmented email campaigns note as much as a 76% increase in revenue' and '78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months.'

Tom Kulzer, founder and CEO of the email marketing giant Aweber sums it up in one simple statement here

It goes with saying that email marketing is certainly not outdated despite being around for a long time. The fact is that people trust email. As a marketer, if you are able to build and maintain trust with your customers via email marketing, you are on the path to increasing your revenue.

But many marketers fall short and they do not know how to build trust with their customers or prospects. We have compiled a list of essentials to consider and help you through building a strong relationship and consequently increase trust with your customers using an email campaign.

7 Expert Tips to Effectively Execute Your Email Campaigns

Execute your email campaigns profitably with these expert tips:

1. Send Informative Newsletters

People love a good informative read. Whether you are teaching them how to trade Bitcoin or bake gooey chocolate cherry cookies; they will read and come back for more if it adds value to them.
Send Informative Newsletters

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That is why as an organization or as a business it is very important to create informative newsletters with valuable content and send them out to your subscribers. As an addition, using a newsletter generator is a good opportunity to include your company’s vision and mission and give a glimpse into your company’s culture for your customers to understand you and your story better and educate your customers about your products or services.

When sending our your newsletters, you should avoid any sales pitches. Stick to valuable information that is going to offer them value. You can research and provide guides in your field or provide information on how to use your products or services. In a competitive business environment, you want offer more value through your email campaign more than any of your competitors. When you readers trust you and value the information you send them, they not only become loyal but they also become an easy sell such that when you float your offer at the right time, they bite without a struggle!

2. Target Your Audience

Researching your target before sending out an email campaign is a major factor in determining the success and effectiveness of this marketing strategy.

Laser Target Your Audience

You don’t need to send out an email to all the contacts in your email list. Instead, segment them according to specific demographics, such as age, location, gender, interests, products purchased, etc. so you can better target your marketing campaigns. People that are more likely to be interested in the content you send will be much more likely to open, read, click, etc. and more likely to trust that the email you send is going to be of value to them.

When your readers and prospects feel that you are directing your message to them, they are more likely to trust you and this will go a long way to building your relationship and in the long run converting them to buyers for your products or services.

3. Use Genuine Subject Lines

False and misleading subject lines in your email campaign are an excellent way to get your readers to lose trust in you.

Use Genuine Subject Lines

In order to convince recipients to open their emails, some email marketers try fancy or misleading subject lines to increase open rates. What they do not understand is that email open rates do not necessarily convert to sales; in fact, they dent your trust and definitely increase your unsubscribe rates. You readers what you to offer what you promised in your subject line in the actual email.

The first time one of your email campaign subscribers opens an email based on the subject line and the content within the email is not related, you’ve lost them forever. They’ll never trust one of your emails again. It’s difficult to trust a product from a company you don’t trust. As a marketer, it is important to use genuine subject lines and always avoid misleading subject lines at all costs.

4. Ask Your Target for Permission to Receive Your Content

Even if you have the most amazing product or service, a simple mistake such as sending unsolicited emails could ruin your chances of ever making a sale through your emails.

Ask Your Target For The Permission To Receive Your Content

Some email marketers are so pushy with their email campaigns that they forget basic email marketing etiquette which dictates that it's only polite to ask your target for permission to receive your emails. As a rule of the thumb, in order to have the full trust of your readers and prospects, make sure they actually want to receive your emails. Give them options to opt-in to your emails. This is where valuable content such as a newsletter can come in handy. Give an option such as “Like what you see here? Receive our monthly newsletter to see more!”

Sending unsolicited emails to unsuspecting recipients without their permission can make your marketing emails land in spam filters. And, worse, it will lead to them losing their trust in your organization.

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5. Personalize Your Emails

Based on the data you have, you can send very personalized emails to your prospects and this will have a very lasting impact on how they perceive your organization. For example, if you are targetting a certain person in an organization, mentioning their names on the subject line can send a message that your email is very personal and directed to only them.
Personalize Your Emails

If you are running cold email campaigns, doing prior research on your target has proved to be very effective. You can personalize such emails by giving them a compliment about their business or organization in the email body. Mention something about their business or website that will instantly send the message that your email is unique only to them.

Providing this personalized touch and contextualized content in each email campaign will have a positive effect on your customers’ trust in you and your products, instantly solidifying your relationship with them and increasing your chances of converting them to paying customers for whatever you are selling to them.

6. Use Conversational Language in Your Emails

One of the most important aspects that most marketers forget is that your buyers or prospects are also human. Address them as humans and use a tone and language they can relate to.

Use Conversational Language In Your Emails

In your email marketing campaigns, you should stay away from formal and stuffy language as this only dents trust with your readers. To get build trust with them, make your language more conversational and less formal. This will make your readers feel more connected to you as a human being and less like sales targets.

Showing your human side will also help your customers see you as a real person and not just a business. Sharing some personal information or personal stories and experience to humanize you can make you come across as more friendly and personable.

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7. Use Replyable and Consistent Email Addresses

When running an email campaign, the response or clicks you get are the measures of your success. One of the ways to give your readers the motivation to reply to you is by making sure that they feel comfortable with you. They want to respond to a person, and in the same voice, you should make sure that the email you use to send your newsletters to them is replyable.

Use Reply-able and Consistent Email Addresses

Avoid at all costs using generic email addresses like or machine-generated emails like These will make them lose trust in you instantly. Instead, use an email address that has a human feel to it and that is consistent with your domain name and brand. For example,


It is already evident that one of the most efficient ways of reaching out to your customers is through email. In every organization and business for that matter, people are actively engaged in checking their emails every day.

According to Lyfe Marketing, 50% of consumers will buy as a result of email marketing campaigns at least once per month. As effective as it is, getting results involves you taking the right steps. We have established that one of the ways of getting the results you need is making sure you do not lose your readers' trust in your email campaign.

For the most effective email campaign strategies to work, you’ll want to enlist the help of an enhanced and comprehensive email marketing tool such as This email finder is a game-changer in this space, giving you some never-seen-before capabilities such as finding and verifying email addresses. With this revolutionary tool, you are also able to find key people in a business so that your email campaign is personalized and effective. Also, will allow you to search for email addresses individually or in bulk. More importantly for your email campaign, you will be able to upload a large list of email addresses and determine which are correct and which are incorrect. A tool such as this will increase your delivery rate and build your trust by sending personalized emails.

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